The Health Benefits Of Dates


The Health Benefits Of Dates

Here are only a few of the reasons why you should eat dates regularly: 

1-   Promotes digestion

 If you soak a few dates in water and chew on them daily, your digestive system will behave itself very well. Due to its high fiber content, it is also recommended for those who have trouble with constipation. 

2-    Anemia treatment

 Apart from the fluorine that keeps your teeth healthy, dates also contain iron, which is highly recommended for those who suffer from iron deficiency. Severe iron-deficiency anemia may cause fatigue or tiredness, shortness of breath, or chest pain. Plus it's great for blood purification as well. 

3-   Strengthens the nervous system

 The date is loaded with potassium, and yet contain little sodium, and that goes a long way in keeping your nervous system in order. The potassium helps to reduce cholesterol and keeps the risk of a stroke in check. 

4-   Improves the cardiovascular system 

 Did you know that dates are free from cholesterol and contain very little fat? Including them in smaller quantities in your daily diet can help you keep a check on cholesterol level, and even assist in weight loss. So start loading up on dates today.

5-   Improves bone health

 Dates could do wonders for your bone health too. Yes, you heard us. Dates are rich in selenium, manganese, copper, and magnesium, and all of these are required when it comes to keeping our bones healthy and preventing conditions such as osteoporosis. 

6-High in disease-fighting antioxidants

Dates provide various antioxidants that have number of health benefits  to offer including a reduce risk of several diseases

  • Flavonoids: Flavonoids are powerful antioxidants that may help reduce inflammation and have been studied for their potential to reduce the risk of diabetes, Alzheimer's disease and certain types of cancer Carotenoids: Carotenoids are proven to promote heart health and may also reduce the risk of eye-related disorders, such as macular degeneration
  • Phenolic acid: Known for its anti-inflammatory properties, phenolic acid may help lower the risk of cancer and heart diseases

7-   Improves skin

 The vitamin c and D works on your skin's elasticity and also keeps your skin smooth. Plus, if you suffer from skin problems, incorporating dates into your diet might help you in the long run. Plus dates also come with anti-aging benefits and prevent the accumulation of melanin in your body.

8-   Rich in vitamins

 Dates contain vitamins such as B1, B2, B3, and B5, as well as A1 and C. If you have a few dates every day, you won't have to take vitamin supplements. Not only will it keep you healthy, but there will also be a noticeable change in your energy levels as well because dates contain natural sugars such as glucose, sucrose, and fructose too. So it works well as a quick snack.