Best Types of Dates for Diabetics

Best Types of Dates for Diabetics

Dates are a natural food rich in nutrients, but many diabetics wonder if they are suitable for them. Despite the high levels of natural sugars in dates, certain types can
How Dates Grow: A Detailed Explanation

How Dates Grow: A Detailed Explanation

Date palm trees are fascinating plants that thrive in harsh environments, producing delicious and nutritious fruit. Here is a detailed explanation of how dates grow: Sunlight and Temperature: Date palms
Dates maamoul recipe

Dates maamoul recipe

An easy and effortless way to prepare the most delicious Maamoul recipes Dates Maamoul Ingredients: Steps : Enjoy the perfect flavor of desserts with premium date paste from Tomoorcom® An
Sesame date fingers recipe from Tomoorcom®

Sesame date fingers recipe from Tomoorcom®

One of the easy and special date paste desserts that suits all occasions and holidays. the ingredients How to prepare In a suitable bowl, put the butter, powdered sugar, vegetable
Top countries in dates production

Top countries in dates production

the Second International Conference on Palm Date, held at AlQassim University in Saudi Arabia, proved that the Islamic world in Africa and Asia is the main producer of dates worldwide,
The Most Famous Types Of Dates

The Most Famous Types Of Dates

Dates can be eaten fresh as they are picked from palm trees, or can be dried and stored for years. When dates are dried and packed in plastic bags, they